Once upon a time, I couldn't wait to be 18. Before I knew it, nearly three decades had passed. This is me, being me, with all that being me entails.

15 June 2010

The Great Flood of '10...?

I've never seen it rain so much as it did yesterday in the seven years I've lived in Oklahoma! I saw places on the news that I've actually been to (the pre-K thru 8th grade school my niece and nephew attend, for example) that got totally flooded...it looked like a lake!

People getting stuck because they think they can make it through 2-3 feet of water, boats out on streets only cars were on just the day before. It was weird! And then there's me, stuck at the new place without a jacket or an umbrella!

About 1pm, it stopped raining long enough to walk up to the post office to put in my change of address form and grab a bite to eat at Java Dave's on Broadway.

Then I went to the old place, with the intentions of cleaning, but I grabbed my computer, modem, a jacket and an umbrella and got the hell outta Dodge...and right into a deluge! Fortunately, the bus came and took me back to the spot on her route that is closest to the new place.

No actual cleaning got done. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. I'll go Thursday after class since there are no classes on Friday. Then I can spend the whole weekend there if I want.


I'm writing this story, just for the hell of it, and last night I killed off two characters. It kind of made me sad that those two had to die in order for the story to progress, but their deaths now give the pre-teen female lead character a reason to become an all out badass. Imagine a twelve year old girl who is a really good shot with a variety of guns getting revenge. Her progression from an infant being born in a prison to Annie Oakley on steriods at 12 amazes even me, and I created her!


Now, if my internet will just be hooked up at the new apartment, I can actually blog from home! Oh, and Andy...the move is going well. The big blue couch (or just "Big Blue" as my friend Larry calls it) made it up the stairs and into my apartment with a lot of effort on the part of my two oldest sons and my brother in law. I swear next time I do this (which I hope isn't for a long LONG time!), I'm going to hire movers.


A final note: my ex husband got married this morning in Massachusetts. I wish his new wife good luck. She's going to need it!


  1. You're writing a book? About a strong female character about to become a teenager? FANTASTIC! I'm always prone to search out those books.

  2. haha your ending note made me lol!

  3. I like your final note!!

  4. @Kelsie-- I didn't have the intention of writig a book when I started it, but it's pretty close to book length now!

    @Amanda and Anita-- thanks!

  5. It kind of makes me think of the graphic novel THE LOSERS that recently became a movie. The little girl is adorable and packs a lot of heat! It could be similar or nothing like it, but good luck with it regardless!

  6. I don't read graphic novels, so I made this girl up off the top of my head. The story practically writes itself, so it's been an easy journey for me so far.
