Once upon a time, I couldn't wait to be 18. Before I knew it, nearly three decades had passed. This is me, being me, with all that being me entails.

08 June 2010

It's the environment, stupid!

Those morons at BP still don't get it. They say that they're going to restore the damage they caused to the Gulf because of the oil spill mess that's been going on for about 2 months now.

That's all well and good, but it's a little late for I'm Sorrys and Oops! It's going to take at least a generation to restore the Gulf Coast region back to the way it was prior to the oil rig explosion back in April.

Meanwhile, people's livelihoods are damaged; the ecosystem is damaged; the beaches and marshes are damaged... and for what?!


Gordon Geko from "Wall Street" got it all wrong. Greed is NOT good. Greed got us into this mess. And it's just not a United States thing or a Louisiana thing or a Gulf Coast thing. It's a GLOBAL thing. This will undoubtedly affect the oceans and the beaches and the land around the world for years to come.

BP's CEO has lost so much credibility that I seriously doubt he'll be CEO much longer after this debacle is over. I wouldn't believe him now, even if he said the sky was blue and the grass is green.

More than likely, the grass is brown and the animals are covered in oil.

(Read what Disturbed's vocalist David Draiman has to say about the oil spill tragedy...click here)


  1. Wow, you set the way-back machine on the movie reference. I've seen it, but can't remember the characters.
    I try an be an optimist, so I feel that maybe some new clean-up tech will be developed so this mess can be cleaned up faster. Yeah, that's about all the good that can come out of it....
    I bet BP's CEO won't even get canned. I'm sure he'll eventually get a nice severance package and get hired on at some other place for $15 million a year.

  2. @Andy... There's supposed to be a sequel to Wall Street being released this year, which is why I thought the movie reference was appropriate. And it fits the situation somewhat.

    And Hayward should be fired...just for being an ass-hat!
