Once upon a time, I couldn't wait to be 18. Before I knew it, nearly three decades had passed. This is me, being me, with all that being me entails.

02 June 2010

Oh the thinks one thinks...

Some things I read just boggle my mind.

Like this whole BP mess, for example. BP's CEO wants his life back, he says.

Nothing about how BP is going to clean up the mess they made, nothing about the environmental damage they have undoubtedly caused, nothing about the loss of livelihood of thousands of fishermen along the Gulf Coast... Tony Hayward just wants his life back.

Are you f'n kidding me?

How callous must one be to not care about the damage their company has caused?

I just have this to say to Mr. Hayward... you selfish, heartless bastard. You suck!


On the Disturbed message board I frequent, someone posted this story about this guy who advertized for someone to volunteer to be cannabalized. Some weirdo actually answered the ad.

The story goes into somewhat graphic detail about how this was accomplished.

I was so grossed out by what I read (and I didn't even read the whole thing!), that I had to ask why they had to post that in a forum where users as young as 12 and 13 can read it?

I realize it was late at night when this was posted, and maybe the younger members of the community like stories like that (why, I have no idea), but it was inappropriate. I hope that by this time, one of the admins locked the thread.



My mother, who I've said previously is 80 years old, thinks that I can just drop everything and buy her cigarettes because no one else will buy them for her.

In short, I am inabling my mother's habit-- one she's had since she was 16 years old (back when it was considered "glamourous"). I've had health problems my entire life because of it, but still, I buy the damn coffin nails for her because she's hell to live with otherwise. And since my two older sons live with her (because Mom shouldn't really be living alone), I'm just trying to keep the peace.

You'd think that after being diagnosed with emphysema she'd quit...but noooo! She just keeps on puffin'...

Did I mention she's 80 years old? She's a stubborn old broad (she calls herself that, so it's not being disrespectful)...


I better wrap this up... I need to follow the other people in my class now.

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