Once upon a time, I couldn't wait to be 18. Before I knew it, nearly three decades had passed. This is me, being me, with all that being me entails.

23 June 2010

If it's going to be 103 degrees...

don't say it's going to be 95 and with the heat index it will feel like 103!

That's what I don't get about the weather people on TV. If it's going to feel like it's hot, then tell us it's going to be that hot, and not confuse people with heat indexes and other stuff.

Same thing in the winter with the wind chill... if it's going to feel like it's 20 degress, tell me it's 20 degrees, not that it's 25 degrees.

I know, that's just the way the weather is here in Oklahoma, but I've noticed other places I've lived, too. Like Norfolk, VA and Boston.

If it's hot enough to melt asphalt (like it was the one summer I was in Wyoming four years ago), or cold enough to freeze the water in your pipes, please just tell me now.

Or just fast forward to fall already!


  1. Or hot enough to cook an egg on the sidewalk.

  2. MAN I know what you mean! I hate thinking well at least it's not triple digits today when really it is.

  3. I say we just fast foward, me no like the hot!! LOL

  4. Lol... Yea I've never understood the heat index thing!!

  5. I've tried to cook an egg on the sidewalk, Anita! It didn't work. Maybe this summer it will.

  6. I think it has to do with wanting to report the accuracy, or maybe show how technical they are. A subtle "I'll stick with Brand X nes, 'cause they show me the truth" thinking. Maybe.
    Yeah, it's dumb.
